- Praxishandbuch Internationale Schiedsverfahren (editors: Salger/Trittmann), Beck 2018, Chapters 8 and 16.
- International Arbitration Experts Provide Overviews, Analysis Of Updated Arbitration Rules – Hilgard on DIS Arbitration Rules, MEALEY´S International Arbitration Report, Vol. 33, #9, Sept 2018, 2 -11.
- “Arbitrators` Duties of Confidentiality”, Yearbook on International Arbitration and ADR, Vol. V (2017), 49 et seq.
- “Arbitrators` Duties of Confidentiality”, TDM, Vol 14 (2017), 1 et seq.
- “Negotiations behind closed doors? Transparency in investor-state arbitration: it´s on the rise”, Business Law Magazine 4/2016, 13 et seq.
- “Hold Free And Harmless Clauses or Indemnification Clauses – One of the Main Issues in post contractual M&A Arbitration Proceedings”, Euromoney's Expert Guides - Commercial Arbitration 2016
- “Duties of Confidentiality of an Arbitrator from the German Perspective”, Slovenian Arbitration Review (SAR), November 2015, 16 et seq.
- “Brazil: Arbitration Law Reloaded”, August 2015.
- “Amendments to the Brazilian Arbitration Law”, Mayer Brown Newsletter May 2015.
- „Verschwiegenheitspflichten eines Schiedsrichters“ (Confidentiality Obligations of an Arbitrator), BB 2015, 1091 et seq.
- „Zur Ablehnung eines Richters im Schiedsverfahren” (Challenging the Appointment of an Arbitrator), BB 2015, 456 et seq.
- „Das Ende der Sportschiedsgerichtsbarkeit?“ (The End of Sports Arbitration?), Mayer Brown Newsletter Jan. 2015.
- „Überlegungen zur Widerklage in einem DIS-Schiedsverfahren oder: Zum Umgang mit Pseudo- und Reparaturwiderklagen“ (Considerations on Filing a Counter Claim in DIS Arbitration Proceedings or: How to Deal with Pseudo or Repair Counter Claims, BB 2014, 1929 et seq.
- „Unauthorized Amiable Compositeur?” DRI 2014, 51 et seq.
- „Beurkundungsbedürftigkeit von Schiedsordnungen?” (Necessity to Notarize Arbitration Rules?), BB 2014, 970 et seq.
- “Sovereign Immunity in Arbitration under German Law” in: Sovereign Immunity and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards: Navigating International Boundaries, MB White Paper Feb. 2012, 14 et seq.
- “Enforcement Issues Arising under European Law”, MB Newsletter Winter 2012, .21 et seq.
- “Culture clash: e-disclosure versus European data protection law in international arbitration”, IBA – Arbitration Newsletter September 2011, 88 et seq.
- "Production of Documents in Cross-Border Arbitration: Bridging the Cultural Divide", MB Newsletter Winter 2011.
- “Sovereign Immunity in Arbitration under German Law”, International Arbitration 'Perspectives, Mayer Brown Newsletter Spring 2011.
- “Enforcement issues arising under European Law”, International Arbitration 'Perspectives, Mayer Brown Newsletter Spring 2011.
- “Culture Clash: E-Disclosure vs. European Data Protection Law in International Arbitration - How to Minimize the Risk of Data Protection Law Violations –“ IBA Arbitration Newsletter Sept. 2011, 88 et seq.
- “Setback for the Use of Arbitration Against Consumers: the ECJ rules that Article 6 of Directive 93/13 is a Rule of Public Policy” IBA – Arbitration Newsletter September 2010, 45 et seq.
- “The Impact of German Insolvency Proceedings on International Arbitration”, Mayer Brown Newsletter July 2010.
- "Class Action Arbitration“ – Gefahr von Sammelklagen in der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit gebannt, (Danger of Class Actions in Arbitration Banned), DAJV Newsletter 2010,135 et seq.
- New German Arbitration Rules Meant to Expedite Proceedings, International Arbitration Perspectives, MB Newsletter Summer 2009 and Eurowatch Sept. 2009, 10 et seq.
- "Arbitrability of Shareholders’ Disputes under German Law”, The International Litigation Quarterly, ABA, Section of Litigation, Fall 2009, Vol. 26, Issue 1, 9 et seq.
- “US Judgments Enforcing Arbitral Awards No Longer Enforceable in Germany”, International Arbitration Perspectives, MB Newsletter Winter 2009.
- “Must a foreign arbitral award be challenged in its state of origin to preserve objections in domestic recognition and enforcement proceedings?” IBA – Arbitration Newsletter, March 2009, 54 et seq.
- "US Arbitration Award unenforceable against German Franchisee", IBA Arbitration Newsletter Sept. 2008, 26 et seq.
- “Anti-Suit Injunctions in Defence of Arbitration”, Bloomberg European Law Journal 2008, 41 et seq.
- “Pseudonymisierte Zivilklagen aus den USA” (John Doe proceedings from the U.S.), IWRZ 6/2018, page 250 et seq.
- “European and German Privacy Laws and Cross-Border Data Transfer in US Discovery Procedures”, DRI 2011, 127 et seq.
- "European and German privacy laws and cross-border data transfer for e-discovery in the United States – are these systems compatible?", Lexology online
- "Cross Border Data Transfer for the purpose of U.S. Litigation", Dispute Resolution International, October 2011.
- "Cross Border Data Transfer in E-Discoveries in the U.S.and the European and German Privacy Laws", CRI 2011, 13-18.
- “Electronic Discovery Deskbook”, Chapter “International Issues”, Practicing Law Institute, 2009, 3nd 2018.
- “Discovery and Information Management after the 2006 Federal Amendments,” 2008.
- “Electronic Discovery im Schiedsverfahren” (Electronic Discovery in Arbitral Proceedings), SchiedsVZ 2008, 122 et seq.
- "Archivierung und Löschung von E-Mails in Unternehmen" (Retention and Deletion of Emails in Corporations), ZIP 2007, 985 et seq.
- "Urkundenvorlegung im Zivilprozess – Annäherung an das amerikanische "Discovery"-Verfahren?" (Submission of Documents in Civil Proceedings – Approximation to the American discovery procedures?), Die Justiz 2003, 572 et seq.
Class Action
- New plans for a European class action, Business Law Magazine 2/18 of June 7, 2018, 11 et seq.
- “Class Actions and Mass Actions in Germany: Recent Developments”,ABA-ILN Fall 2016,
- „The State of the Class Action Discussion in the EU: Towards a Coherent European Approach to Collective Redress “, juriste 2, 2012, 44 et seq.
- "Class Action Arbitration“ – Gefahr von Sammelklagen in der Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit gebannt", (Danger of Class Actions in Arbitration Banned), DAJV Newsletter 2010,135 et seq.
- "Class Actions, Mass Litigation and Collective Redress – The UIA in Frankfurt", juriste 2, 2010, 17 et seq.
- "Class Actions and Mass Actions in Germany," IBA–ILN 2007, 40 et seq.
Miscellaneous on Litigation
- Editor and Preface (untitled): Jubiläumsausgabe (in two volumes)- “10 Jahre Schriftenreihe der Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft” containing contributions by Herold/Franke/Wastlhuber/Würde/Pham/Seidl/Reinhold/Adler/Meier
- Editor and Preface (untitled): “Vorschläge zur Reform des Asylrechts in Deutschland”, Band 10 der Schriftenreihe der Stiftung der Hessischen Rechtsanwaltschaft, containing contributions by Herold/Franke/Wastlhuber/Wu/Pham/Seidl/Reinhold/Adler/Meier
- Wer hat Angst vor John Doe? Unwägbarkeiten für ausländische Beklagte bei pseudonymisierten Zivilklagen aus den USA (Who is afraid of John Doe? Risks and difficulties that foreign defendants are likely to face in US John Doe lawsuits), Business Law Magazine 6/18.
- „Der Amicus Curiae Brief oder: wie schön, Freunde zu haben“ (The Amicus Curiae Brief or: Nice to have Friends), (ISBN 978-3-7375-0137-8), 2014.
- “Directive on antitrust damage claims adopted by the European Parliament”, July 2014
- „Englisch als Gerichtssprache? – auf die Ausgestaltung kommt es an“ (English Language before Courts? – the Design is important) , BB 2014 and BB-Online BBL2014-1219-1.
- “Gerichtsstand in Deutschland – was ändert sich bei Abmahnungen?“ (Jurisdiction in Germany – what will change?) CH-D Wirtschaft 2013/4, 26 et seq.
- “Information Leaks: How to Address Them in Litigation – The UIA in Helsinki”, juriste 2012, Volume 1, 14.
- „The art of oral advocacy from different national perspectives and more“, UIA Newsletter May 2012,
- „Ein Lichtblick für Unternehmen? Der Fall Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum“ (A gleam of hope for companies? The case Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum), DAJV Newsletter 2012, 2 et seq.
- Preface (untitled) in the book Dittmann/Nowak/Beck, "Elektronische Fußfessel - Fluch oder Segen der Kriminalpolitik?" (Electronic shackles - blessing or curse of criminal policy), 2011, I et seq.
- "Don't Swallow this Pill! Court adds Poison to Lawyers’ Interview or: Do Employees really Waive their Protection against Self-Incrimination?" IBA International Litigation News, September 2011, 68 et seq.
- "Englisch als Gerichtssprache in Deutschland?" (English Language before Courts in Germany?) BB 2010, 2969.
- “Englisch als Gerichtssprache in Deutschland?” (English Language before Courts in Germany?) – AmCham Germany’s position.
- “Remedies against excessively long court proceedings under German law – The proposal for a new compensation claim against the state”, IBA-ILN September 2010, 21 et seq.
- “New: Success Fee German Style,” IBA-ILN 2008, 45 et seq.
- “Legal Professional Privilege of Communication with In-house Counsel under Attack,” DAJV Newsletter 2008, 23 et seq.
- “Examination of Witnesses in German Civil Proceedings: A Surprise to Americans”; The International Dispute Resolution News, ABA, Section of International Law, Winter 2009/2010, 32 et seq.
- "Kein Anwaltsgeheimnis für den Schriftverkehr zwischen Unternehmen und Unternehmensjuristen" (No legal Professional Privilege for Communication between Undertakings and their In-house Counsel), CH-D Wirtschaft 12/07 and 4/08.
- “No legal Professional Privilege of Communication between Undertakings and their In-house Counsel,” AmCham Germany Newsletter 10/2007.
- "Die Schutzschrift im Wettbewerbsrecht" (The Protective Letter in the Law of Unfair Competition), 1985.
- Handbook on Mediation (Handbuch zum Mediationsgesetz), Roland Fritz und Dietrich Pielsticker, 2nd edition 2020, beokk review, NJW 2021, 530
- “Germany: Draft Law for the Promotion of Mediation and other Procedures of Extrajudicial Conflict Settlement”, IBA Mediation Newsletter 2012.
- “Can Mediation Unite Germany Again? “Stuttgart 21“ and its Deceptive Label “Mediation””, IBA Mediation Newsletter Sept. 2011, 19 et seq.
- “Enforcement of Mediation Settlement Agreements” in: Mediation Techniques, an e-book issued by the Mediation Techniques Subcommittee of the International Bar Association, 2010.
- “Germany divided again! The debate over the need to implement qualification standards in German mediation law”, IBA Mediation Newsletter 10/09, 18 et seq.
- "Germany: In Defence of Mediation from the Corporate Perspective," IBA Mediation Newsletter Sept. 2008, 15 et seq.
- “Hold Free And Harmless Clauses or Indemnification Clauses – One of the Main Issues in post contractual M&A Arbitration Proceedings”, Euromoney Expert Guides – Commercial Arbitration 2016.
- „Der Freistellungsanspruch beim Unternehmenskauf“ (Obligation to Indemnify, Hold Free and Harmless in Corporate Acquisitions), BB 2016,1218 et seq.
- „Berechnung des Schadens bei Verletzung einer Eigenkapitalgarantie beim Unternehmenskauf“ (Calculation of Damages in Case of Violation of an Equity Guarantee in Corporate Acquisitions), BB 2013, 937 et seq.
- „Die Kenntnis des Käufers beim Unternehmenskauf“ (Knowledge of the Purchaser in Corporate Acquisitions), BB 2013, 963 et seq.
- "Verjährung und Aufrechnung beim Unternehmenskauf“ (Statute of Limitation and Set-Off in Corporation Acquisition Agreements), BB 2012, 852 et seq.
- "Earn-Out-Klauseln beim Unternehmenskauf" (Earn-Out Provisions in Corporate Acquisitions), BB 2010, 2912 et seq.
- „Unterschiedliche Bewertungen - Earn-Out-Klauseln beim Unternehmenskaufvertrag“, GoingPublic Sonderausgabe „Kapitalmarktrecht 2010“, p. 104 et seq.
- “Variable Kaufpreisgestaltung bei M&A in Krisenzeiten / Variable M&A Purchase Price Calculation in Times of Crisis“, Finanzplatz 2010, vol. 4, 22 et seq.
- “Break-up Fees beim Unternehmenskauf” (Break up Fees in Corporate Acquisitions), BB 2008, 286 et seq.
- "Cash-free/Debt-free-Klauseln beim Unternehmenskauf" (Cash-free/Debt-free provisions in Corporation Acquisition Agreements), in: Der Betrieb 2007, 559 et seq.
- "Berechnung des Schadens bei Verletzung von Garantien eines Unternehmenskaufvertrages", (Calculation of Damages originating in the Violation of Corporation Acquisition Agreements), ZIP 2005,1819 et seq.
- "Bagatell- und Cap-Klauseln beim Unternehmenskauf" (Threshold and Cap-Provisions in Corporate Acquisition Agreements), BB 2004, 1233
- "Die Rechtsfolgen eines selbständigen Garantieversprechens beim Unternehmenskauf nach der Schuldrechtsreform" (The Legal Consequences of Providing Independent Indemnity in Corporate Acquisitions under the Reformed German Law of Obligations).
Agency / Dealership
- „Handelsvertreter ist arbeitnehmerähnlicher Einfirmenvertreter, wenn ihm eine Tätigkeit für gleichen oder ähnlichen Geschäftszwecken dienende Firmen nur nebenberuflich und nur nach erfolgter Einwilligung gestattet ist. Eine Auseinandersetzung um seinen Vertrag gehört allerdings nur, wenn eine bestimmte Verdienstgrenze nicht überschritten wird, vor ein Arbeitsgericht“ (Agent as Sole Agent is considered a Qasi Employee if Activities for Companies with similar or comparable Business Purpose require prior Approval. Disputes over his Contract, however, only establish the jurisdiction of Labour Courts if certain compensation limits are are not exceeded), commentary to BGH, Resolution of 21.10.2015 – BB VII ZB 8/18, BB 2015, 2958.
- „Handelsvertreter ist Einfirmenvertreter, wenn ihm eine Tätigkeit für andere Firmen nur nebenberuflich gestattet ist“ (Agent is Sole Agent if he may act for other companies only part-time), commentary to BGH, Resolution of 16.10.2014 – VII ZB 16/14, BB 2014, 3094.
- „Wann gehört ein Handelsvertretervertrag vor ein Arbeitsgericht?“ (When does an agency agreement constitute jurisdiction of a labour court?), commentary to:OLG München, Resolution of 20.03.2014, 7 W 315/14, BB 2014, 1044.
- „Zur Anwendbarkeit von § 90a HGB auf Wettbewerbsabreden“ (Re: Application of § 90a HGB to Post Contractual Non-Compete Provisions), commentary to: BGH, judgment of 25 10.2012, VII ZR 56/11, BB 2012, 3102 et seq.
- „Provisionsanspruch des Handelsvertreters bei Erwerb des Kundenstammes aus der Insolvenz“ (Commission Claim of an Agent in Case of the Acquisition of the Customer Base), commentary to: BGH, judgment of 26.10.2011 – VIII ZR 222/10, BB 2011, 3090.
- "Fortbestand des Handelsvertretervertrags bei Vermögensübergang von OHG auf GmbH" (Continuation of an Agency Contract when transferring Assets of an OHG to a GmbH), commentary to: OLG Stuttgart, judgment of 30.5..2011 – 5 U 189/10, BB 2011, 1811.
- "Ausgleichspflichtige Unternehmervorteile bei Beendigung des Handelsvertretervertrags auch bei besonders langlebigen Wirtschaftsgütern" (Corporate Benefits to be compensated also regarding Long Lasting Assets in Case of Termination of an Agency Agreement, commentary to: BGH, judgment of 17.11.2010 - VIII ZR 322/09), BB 2011, 1235.
- "Zum Wegfall von Handelsvertreterprovisionsansprüchen wegen vom Unternehmer zu vertretender Zahlungseinstellung der Kunden“ (No claim to compensation of an agent if the company is responsible for non-payment by a customer, commentary to: BGH, judgment of 05.03.2008 - VIII ZR 31/07), BB 2008, 1030.
- "BGH stärkt Stellung der Vertragshändler" (Federal Supreme Court strenghtens Position of Appointed Dealers, commentary to: BGH, judgment of 01.10.2008 - VIII ZR 13/05), BB 2008, 2594.
- Preface (untitled) in the book of Göbel/Aigner/Klang/Klang/orphal/Steckel/Härer „Hilfe – meine Richterin trägt eine Burka“ (Help –my judge is wearing a Burka), 2018
- US Sanctions on Russia and Impacts on Companies in Europe, Business Law Magazine 4/2017, 9 et seq.
- Good progress but some concerns regarding Recent Developments in European Insolvency Law: Group Insolvency, Business Law Magazine 9/2017, 15 et seq.
- Preface (untitled) in the book of Zeh/Lehmann/Hoffmann/Biernacik/Brandt/Golla „Die Internetkriminalität boomt – braucht das Strafgesetzbuch ein Update? “(Crime in the internet is booming – does the Penal Code need an update?), 2017.
- The rehabilitation of the Iranian economy has begun: new opportunities for German and American companies, Business Law Magazine 2/2016, 15 er seq.
- New Cooperation: Business Law Magazine and AmCham Germany join forces, Business Law Magazine 1/2016, 24 et seq.
- Preface (untitled) in the book of Teichgräber/Beckermann/Bröcker/Opris/Klang/ Gericke/Promies „Von Brokdorf zu Blockupy und Pegida. Ist das derzeitige Versammlungsgesetz noch zeitgemäß?“(From Brokdorf to Blockupy and Pegida. Is the Right to Assemble as Currently in Force still Up-to-date?), 2016.
- Working together. New Cooperation: Business Law Magazine and AmCham Germany join forces, Business Law Magazine 2/16.
- „Nur heiße Luft? Der U.S. Clean Air Act und die Kompetenzen der EPA“ (Hot Air Only? The U.S. Clean Air Act and the competencies of the EPA), IWRZ 2016, 51 et seq.
- Preface (untitled) in the book of Göttgen/Schlepp/Klenner/Reid/Wickel/Schütz „Deals im Strafverfahren - Darf sich ein Angeklagter im Strafverfahren “freikaufen”? (Deals in Criminal Proceedings – Should Accused Persons be Allowed to Buy their Way out of Prosecution?“), 2015.
- Preface (untitled) in the book of Friehe, Hagenkötter, Heuser, Maxin “Von der Kontrolle des Gerichts zur Befriedigung des Informationsbedürfnisses der Gesellschaft” (From Court Control to Satisfaction of Informattion Needs of the Public), 2014, I.
- “Rules for Credit Rating Agencies – or Another Unsuccessful Attempt to Establish Uniform and Adequate Standards for Credit Ratings?” Juriste international, 2013, 58 et seq.
- Preface (untitled) in the book of Hermstrüwer/Hamann/Diers, “Schwimmen mit Fingerabdruck?” (Swimming with finger prints? 2012, I
- “How credit ratings resemble the weather forecast: A European approach”, IBA European Regional Forum Newsletter Feb. 2012, 9 et seq.
- Deutsche Verlustverrechnungsbeschränkung nach § 8c KStG; Potentielle Verfassungswidrigkeit (German restraint to off-set losses pursuant to § 8c KStG; potential unconstitutionality), CH-D Wirtschaft 10/11, 25 et seq.
- "International Legal Developments in Review: 2010, Europe", (co-editor) The International Lawyer, 2011, 511 et seq. (publication of the ABA's Section on International Law), printed also in "The Globe", the newsletter of the International and Immigration Law Section of the Illinois State Bar Association.
- "Auswirkungen aktueller Rechtsprechung auf die Wegzugsbesteuerung“ (Consequences of current case law for the taxation of moving abroad), CH-D Wirtschaft 5/2010, 30 et seq.
- Preface (untitled) in the book of Ischdonat, “Die deutsche Juristenausbildung unter dem Einfluss von Bologna” (Legal Education in Germany under the influence of Bologna), 2010, I.
- “Haftung von Bankvorständen und deren aufsichtsrechtliche Verantwortung” (Liability and Responsibility vis-à-vis Supervisory Authorities of Members of the Board of Banks, in: Grieser/Heemann (Ed), Bankaufsichtsrecht, 2009, 157 et seq.
- “IT-Sicherheit im Unternehmen“ (Corporate IT Security), CH-D Wirtschaft 9/09.
- “For Free? Product Replacement, Refitting and Repair Under German Product Liability Laws,” IBA-International Litigation News, September 2009, 56 et seq.
- "International Legal Developments in Review: 2008, Europe"(co-editor), The International Lawyer 2009, Vol. 43-2 Summer 2009
- “Stoneridge and its Impact on European Capital Market and Consumer Law," ECFR 2008, 453 et seq.
- “Unlauteres Ausnutzen eines fremden Vertragsbruches“ (Unfair Exploitation of a Third Party´s Breach of Contract), MDR 2008, 1081 et seq.
- "International Legal Developments in Review: 2007, Europe," (co-editor) The International Lawyer, 2008, 996 et seq. (publication of the ABA’s Section on International Law)
- "Churning," WM 2006, 409 et seq.
- "Cash Pooling unter Beteiligung deutscher und Schweizer Unternehmen" Part 1 and Part 2 (Cash Pooling with Participation of German and Swiss Enterprises). Reproduced with the kind permission of CH-D Wirtschaft 2/06 and 3/06.
Lectures and Presentations
- organized and conducted seminars and webinars relating to “Recognition an Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards in Germany”, “Corporate Investigations”, “Compliance”, “Transatlantic Trade and Developments in Credit Crunch Litigation”, “Product Liability”, ”Implementation of an Emergency Plan for a Potential Recall and Management of an Existing Product Liability Case”, “Electronic Discovery”, “Class Action”, “Data Protection”, “Legal Sovereignty and Collision of Laws”, “Information Retention, Management and Disclosure”, “National Security Restrictions for Foreign Acquisitions”, “Legal Professional Privilege for In-House Counsel” or current cases in Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, London, Basle and Zurich, inter alia with the German-American Lawyers’ Association (GALA), the American Chamber of Commerce, the Hamburg Arbitration Circle, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Frankfurt am Main, the Deutsches Aktieninstitut (DAI) and the Rechtszentrum für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (RIZ) der Universität Köln.
- continuously asked to speak or serve on the panel on procedural aspects on international conferences (e.g., at Congresses of the IBA [International Bar Association] or the UIA [Union Internationale des Avocats], respectively the ABA [American Bar Association] or the DAJV [German-American Lawyers’ Association]) or on the annual Frankfurt Inhouse Counsel Day (Frankfurter Syndikusanwaltstag), inter alia presentations and lectures on
- Duties of Confidentiality of an Arbitrator from the German Perspective (Dubai, 2017)
- Appointing Arbitrators, Conflicts and Challenges (Salzburg, 2016)
- Report on German Construction Projects at the 2015 Cologne Annual Summit on Commercial Dispute Resolution in China of the Beijing Arbitration Commission (Cologne, 2015)
- Single Judge, Tribunal or Jury Trial; the Role of Laymen and Interesting Cases (Florence, 2014)
- Bilanzgarantien, Unternehmensbewertung und Schadensersatz bei M&A-Transaktionen (balance sheet guarantees, valuation of enterprises and reimbursement of damages in M&A transactions) (Leipzig, 2014)
- The Litigation Gamble (Macao, 2013)
- Unauthorized Amiable Compositeur? (Kiev, 2013)
- Current Issues in Arbitration Proceedings –Experiences, Tips and Traps (Freiburg, 2013)
- M&A Arbitration, Earn-out Clauses and Calculation of Damages in M&A Transactions (Riga, 2013)
- Liability of Managing Directors (Paris, 2013)
- Costs of Litigation (Dresden, 2012)
- Information Leaks (Helsinki, 2012)
- How to pitch clients (Vancouver, 2012)
- The Art of Oral Advocacy in Proceedings before National Courts (Miami, 2011)
- Shareholders’ Lawsuits arising out of Shareholders’ Agreements in German Law (St. Moritz, 2011)
- Destruction/Spoliation of Evidence under German Law (Istanbul, 2010)
- Earn-out Provisions in Corporate Acquisition Agreements (Frankfurt, 2010)
- Class Actions, Mass Litigation and Collective Redress (Frankfurt, 2010)
- Cross Border Joint Ventures and Similar Businesses: Transaction and Litigation Risks (Park City, 2010)
- Examination of Witnesses in German Proceedings: Superior to the US Approach? (Sevilla, 2009)
- Financial Crisis from a Different Angle (Sevilla, 2009)
- Catch the Wave in Complex and Class Action Litigation or Sink to the Bottom – Hot Topics in Complex and Class Action Litigation – The Globalization of Securities Class Actions (Atlanta, 2009)
- Precautionary Measures and Reactions to Governmental Investigations – how to Survive an Investigation without a Hangover (Frankfurt, 2008)
- The Enforcement of Foreign Judgments / Orders in other Jurisdictions: the Merits/Pitfalls / Recognition of Judgments and/or Interim Orders (Bucharest, 2008)
- How Things can go wrong on M&A Deals (Bucharest, 2008)
- German Class Action Legislation (London, 2008)
- Litigation versus Arbitration Claims: Opportunities and Limitations (Vail, 2008)
- Management of Litigation Claims against Corporations (Vail, 2008)
- (Electronic) Discovery in American Arbitration (Hamburg, 2008)
- Tracing and Freezing of Assets in Aid of Litigation in Germany (Paris, 2007)
- Recent Developments on Class Actions in Germany (Paris, 2007)
- Obligations of and the Relationship between the Obligations of a Property Owner /Occupier and the Party having caused Contamination and their respective Successors (Paris, 2007)
- Calculation of Damages in the Case of a Violation of Guarantees in a Corporate Acquisition Agreement (Sestriere, 2007)
- Collective Claims Enforcement in German Civil Litigation (Salvador, 2006)
- Information Retention, Management and Disclosure (London, 2006)
- Taking Evidence in Germany (Breckenridge, 2006)
- Obtaining Evidence From the Adversary in Civil Cases under German Law (Fez, 2005)
- The Vitamins Cartel / Private Damage Reimbursement Litigation (Geneva, 2004)
- The Mannesmann Trial (Geneva, 2004)
- Movement of Capital in the EC (Berlin, 1992)